Detecting Leaks In Your Septic System

20 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog

The cleanliness and safety of your house depend on a well-maintained septic system. One common issue that homeowners face is leaks in their septic systems. These leaks can lead to various problems, such as water damage, foul odors, and even groundwater contamination. Awareness of the warning signs associated with septic leaks will enable you to take prompt action.

Sudden Increase in Water Bills

When you notice a sudden spike in your water bills, it could indicate a leak in your septic system. However, before jumping to conclusions, it is important to understand what factors contribute to high water usage. Changes in daily routines or increased household occupancy can also affect how much water is used.

Plumbing fixture leaks can also be a culprit in contributing to elevated water costs. Look out for any visible signs of leakage or dripping faucets. Additionally, check areas around toilets, showers, and sinks for dampness or water stains. Even small leaks can significantly contribute to increased water bills over time.

Foul Odor Around the Septic System Area

If you detect unpleasant sewage odors around your property or near the septic tank area, it is essential to pinpoint their source quickly. Inspect all potential areas where odor may originate, such as drain pipes, sewer vents, or damaged sealings on toilets and drains.

One common cause of foul odors is an overloaded or malfunctioning septic tank. Regularly inspect the septic tank for any signs of leaks, cracks, or overflowing. If you discover any problems during your inspection, contact a professional septic system technician who can assess the situation and recommend appropriate solutions. It may involve repairing damaged pipes, pumping the septic tank, or replacing the entire system if necessary.

Changes In Toilet Flushing Power

If you notice changes in your toilet flushing power, whether it is weak flushing or inconsistent flow, it could indicate a blockage in your septic system. These blockages can disrupt proper wastewater flow and strain your plumbing.

Begin by inspecting the toilet bowl and tank for any visible clogs. If you do not find any obvious blockages, the issue might lie deeper within your plumbing system. In such cases, a professional video line inspection may be needed. These inspections allow a technician to thoroughly examine the length of your septic lines and the tank itself to determine whether an obstruction is causing these problems.

If they locate a blockage, the technician may be able to dislodge it. However, this is typically only possible with minor clogs. Larger clogs will need specialized tools to break up and remove. For more information on residential septic services, contact a professional near you.
