Avoid Contamination Of Fresh Water Supplies Due To Septic Tank Failure Problems
Septic systems are a complicated water treatment solution, which require proper maintenance to avoid contamination of water supplies. If you want to avoid problems with fresh water supplies, your septic system needs to have good filtration, and there are some things that can be done to prevent contamination of your water well or other resources. Here are a few tips that will help keep your water supplies clean when you rely on wells and septic systems:
1. Installing A Lined Drain Field to Keep Effluent Out of Water Supplies
Lined drain fields are a good solution to help ensure that the effluent does not reach ground water. These can be one of many different types of drain field designs, including mounds and standard drain field designs. The basic design of a lined system includes aggregate and sand filtration that is applied over a thick liner. In addition, the drain tiles or pipes in a lined system may also include some type of filtration medium that helps to filter waste and ensure it does not reach water supplies.
2. Locating Water Wells and Septic Systems to Prevent Ground Water Contamination
If you are concerned about the septic system contaminating well water, the location of these two systems is important. Since ground water is usually following the natural contours of bedrock, a well can often be located at a higher level than the septic system. What you want to avoid is a septic system that drains towards any water source. In addition, the septic system should be located a safe distance away from wells and other fresh water resources.
3. Contained Waste Treatment Solutions for Poor Soils and Other Issues
Contained waste water treatment systems include aerobic systems, which act as miniature treatment plants. Aerobic systems are often attached to more conventional drain fields, but they can also be completely self-contained systems. A contained system is ideal for areas where the soil is too poor for any other type of waste treatment or in protected areas that have sensitive eco-systems where pollution of water and wildlife is a major concern. Self-contained systems will also give you the option of recycling some of the water for things like flushing toilets with the treated water.
These are some tips to help keep your water supplies free of contamination from septic systems. If you need help with repairs and improvements to your waste treatment systems, contact a septic contractor from a company like B&E Septic Services to help with your problems.